cv bangun bumi persada adalah kontraktor bangunan yang beralamatkan di samarinda kaltim. profil company;alamat kantor;loa buah,jln ekonomi,rt 12,no tlp; 0541(6275763), hp 0813-4666-6936.email; bangunbumipersada@ymail.com,website http://www.bangunbumipersada.blogspot.com. pimpinan; ardi suwardi,wakil; arsani,menejemen proyek; irwansyah.
Jumat, 23 September 2011
Rabu, 21 September 2011
Selasa, 20 September 2011
YouTube API Blog: Introducing YouTube.com/create
YouTube API Blog: Introducing YouTube.com/create: YouTube.com/create is a platform for third-party applications that enable users to create videos. The idea is simple. The third-party appli...
YouTube API Blog: Say Hello to the New Playlist Player
YouTube API Blog: Say Hello to the New Playlist Player: While the YouTube embedded single-video player has seen a number of improvements in the past few months, the embedded playlist player has la...
YouTube API Blog: YouTube @ Google I/O: Your Game + YouTube = Instan...
YouTube API Blog: YouTube @ Google I/O: Your Game + YouTube = Instan...: If you have ever wondered how to generate excitement around your video game using YouTube, we would like to share a few hints from the maker...
YouTube API Blog: Coming Soon: The Dark Player for Embeds
YouTube API Blog: Coming Soon: The Dark Player for Embeds: You may have noticed that we’ve changed the look of the player on YouTube. You may even have noticed that we’ve been experimenting with chan...
YouTube API Blog: The New CodeIgniter PHP Client Library
YouTube API Blog: The New CodeIgniter PHP Client Library: While the YouTube Data API’s RESTful nature means that talking to YouTube is as easy as making an HTTP request, using a client library i...
YouTube API Blog: Auth Tokens & Unlinked YouTube Accounts
YouTube API Blog: Auth Tokens & Unlinked YouTube Accounts: Dedicated readers of this blog will remember our post from a few months back entitled “ ClientLogin #FAIL ”. In it, we laid out a number o...
YouTube API Blog: Getting 3D Content on YouTube
YouTube API Blog: Getting 3D Content on YouTube: Over the last few months, we've been steadily rolling out features for YouTube 3D . Early this year, we announced support for the LG Optim...
Minggu, 18 September 2011
catatan praktek perpajakan: PPN dan PPh Film Impor
catatan praktek perpajakan: PPN dan PPh Film Impor: Menteri Keuangan telah mengubah Nilai Lain yang menjadi Dasar Pengenaan Pajak (DPP) PPN dari semula perkiraan hasil rata-rata per judul fil...
catatan praktek perpajakan: Kapan Buat Faktur Pajak?
catatan praktek perpajakan: Kapan Buat Faktur Pajak?: Berikut catatan yang diringkas dari SE-50/PJ/2011 terkait dengan saat pembuatan faktur pajak. Secara umum pembuatan faktur pajak adalah saat...
catatan praktek perpajakan: Jasa Konstruksi vs Jasa Pemeliharaan Bangunan
catatan praktek perpajakan: Jasa Konstruksi vs Jasa Pemeliharaan Bangunan: Banyak yang bingung membedakan "jasa konstruksi" dengan "jasa pemeliharaan bangunan". Kedua harus dibedakan karena memang perlakuan perpajak...
catatan praktek perpajakan: Bayar PBB Online
catatan praktek perpajakan: Bayar PBB Online: Hari Rabu kemarin saya bayar PBB via ATM BCA untuk rumah yang di Depok. Pihak pengembang memang baru bulan lalu memberikan SPPT PBB tahun 20...
Sabtu, 17 September 2011
Selasa, 06 September 2011
Senin, 05 September 2011
Kamis, 01 September 2011
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